
March 23 2023


  • Feature Added the ability to hide sections on a page, without deleting them.
  • Feature Added the ability to move sections between pages.
  • Improvement Added labels to section toolbar, to make things easier to identify.
  • Improvement Improved image spacing in lightboxes on landscape-oriented mobile devices (Thanks, Hunter!).
  • Marketing Added testimonials to home page.
  • Improvement Replaced some older custom code for videos, removing some problematic third-party dependencies, and updated all affected websites.
  • Bugfix Placeholder text now no longer sometimes shows up in link previews (Thanks, Damien!).
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue that caused some contact forms to stop working (Thanks, Philip!).
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue that prevented full-justification form working on text sections in Safari (Thanks, Armin!).
March 19 2023

New Section Toolbar

The toolbar at the top-left of each section just got some big updates! You can now hide sections from public view, or move sections to different pages.

This is one of our most-requested features since launching V2, and should make reorganizing your site much easier, eliminating the need to delete and reupload content when moving things to different pages.

February 22 2023


  • Feature Added ability to disable the automatic portrait-oriented image pair diptychs in "stack" gallery layout.
  • Improvement New header layout option for the Mesa theme (Thanks, Liang!)
  • Improvement Added Linktree support to social media links.
  • Improvement Disabled "Tab" key UI shortcut when custom code input is active.
  • Improvement Improved styling of color swatch selector.
  • Improvement Added support for tel:, mail:, and sms: links.
  • Improvement Added support for phone numbers in social media links.
February 09 2023


  • Feature New breadcrumb navigation section added.
  • Feature New 'Raw HTML' pages.
  • Feature New right-click blocker :/
  • Improvement Improved the way browsers' back buttons affect image light boxes.
  • Bugfix Fixed spacing issue with full-bleed slideshows on mobile devices. (Thanks again, Will!)
January 24 2023


  • New Added new "spread" section that with the ability to display text and imagery side-by-side.
  • Galleries Slideshows made to respect clickable links added to image captions. (Thanks, Will!)
  • Galleries Made improvements to the "stack" gallery layout on mobile devices.
  • Galleries Automatic focal point detection improvements.
  • Galleries Added touch swipe support to mobile Lightbox display. (Thanks, Pablo!)
  • Security Added a new setting that limits the maximum size images can be displayed, to protect against unwanted downloads.
  • Social Added support for ArtStation links.
  • Support Added conversation history to support system.
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