
June 21 2023


  • Improvement Smoother drag-and-drop functionality in the admin area.
  • Improvement Much-better Firefox support with drag-and-drop and text editing.
  • Improvement Improved support for nonstandard filenames.
  • Improvement Added client-side image scaling for uploads, to effectively provide unlimited image size constraints.
  • Improvement Improved first-time image load latency.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue with extremely large PNG files not showing up (Thanks Ruzaini!).
  • Bugfix Fixed issue with image moderation not working in some cases.
June 09 2023


  • Improvement Introduced a completely new image handling and delivery system.
  • Mobile Added dynamic header hiding to Mesa theme on mobile devices (Thanks, Scott!).
  • Email Form Made changes to email titles to avoid emails from different senders being combined into single threads by email apps (Thanks, Tony!).
  • Bugfix Fixed issue with og:url tag when a subdomain is used.
  • Bugfix Fixed issue that caused logo to be cut off on mobile when using the "Meridian" theme in some cases (Thanks, Toby!)
April 16 2023


  • Bugfix Fixed issue with breadcrumbs wrapping on mobile (Thanks, Victoria!).
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue that caused some images to load slowly (Thanks, Nate!).
  • Bugfix Fixed issue that would cause erroneous message to show up in place of hidden sections in some cases (Thanks, Kevin!).
  • Bugfix Fixed formatting issue with color picker (Thanks, Cameron!).
April 10 2023

New 'Local Override' Options

Have you ever wanted just one section of your website to appear slightly different than the rest?

With the release of one of our most-requested features, you can now customize individual sections without affecting other similar sections on your website, making it much easier to do things like center just an intro paragraph, change the size of just one slideshow, etc.

While editing a section's layout, you'll see a new "Local Overrides" tab. From there, you'll be able to set design options for just that specific section.

April 09 2023


  • Feature Added ability to make local design changes to sections that don't affect other sections on a website.
  • Mobile Added new mobile height controller to slideshows (Thanks, Nate!).
  • Improvement Added ability to disable automatic diptychs for specific images in the "Stack" layout.
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