
November 05 2017

Narrate image galleries with text


We’ve added the ability to place text into image galleries, which is great for creating introductions, providing project details, adding pull quotes, or even creating image-centric blogs or story pages.

August 07 2017

New page-specific custom code support


We just added support for logic that allows you to apply custom code to specific pages on your website, making it possible to add specific meta tags, widgets, etc to individual pages. More info can be found in our help section: http://help.22slides.com/article/logic

March 30 2017

Control Panel Design Updates


We’ve just released a few very important UI updates to our control panels, which streamline the design, make functionality easier to find (namely deleting a page), and lay the groundwork for bigger changes down the road.

February 26 2017

Larger/higher-res Tumblr blog images

We’ve increased the size of images in “text” posts on Tumblr blogs, which means larger and better-looking imagery, especially on retina or high-resolution screens.

January 20 2017

New “back to top” button on mobile sites

Longer image galleries will automatically display a “back to top” button to allow users to quickly get back to the top of the page and continue navigating your site.

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