
May 22 2022


  • V1 Fixed broken V1 signin links.
  • Bugfix Fixed bug that caused text logos to be truncated on mobile when using the Mesa theme in some cases.
  • Bugfix Fixed possible nav position issue when using "Meridian" theme.
  • Bugfix Fixed problem with filmstrip gallery sizing on "Meridian" theme.
  • Support Help article improvements.
  • Messaging Improved messaging around plans for V1 and V2 of the platform.
  • Security Improved anti-phishing content moderation.
  • Themes Added support for line breaks in navigation headings.
  • Emails Improved transactional email reliability.
May 15 2022

Version 2.0


After years in the making, we're proud to finally release 22Slides V2.

Why a new version?

The internet was a different place when we launched, eleven years ago. Industry standards, market expectations, and technology have all changed, sometimes drastically.

Over that time, we'd made thousands of additions to the platform to create the absolute best product possible. But, given the changed mentioned above and our desire to push the platform further, it became obvious that it was time to make some foundational changes that wouldn't be backwards-compatible with our existing system.

What to expect

With V2, we've doubled-down on what we know best: Simplicity and ease-of use. You can expect the same type of intuitive tools and designs that propelled V1 to its success, but with more powerful features, more flexible architecture, and more modern interfaces.

What about V1?

22Slides V1 isn't going anywhere. We'll continue to maintain it like we always have. At the time of writing this, V1 is our primary product, and will likely continue to be so for a long time.

Even if/when that changes, V1 is a bootstrapped service that can maintain profitability even at a tiny scale. We'd dare to call it one of the most resilient services on the internet today, so there's no foreseeable reason to ever shut it down.

We have plenty of clients that prefer V1, and it's extremely important to us that they understand they remain first-class customers. V1 clients enjoy being grandfathered into their existing pricing plans, and are technically the most profitable to our business. V1 clients' support requests and website reliability will always remain a top priority.

The only difference concerning V1 now is that our home page promotes V2.

More Info

You can check out more info about the differences between V1 and V2 here: https://help.22slides.com/article/101-22slides-v1-and-v2

May 14 2022


  • Everything We changed everything.
March 15 2022

Beta Testing is Open 👀

We’ve got something big in the works. If you’d like to help out by joining our beta testing team, shoot us a message!

Otherwise, you can check out some sneak peaks on our Twitter page.

April 28 2020


  • Home Page Added ability to define images' focal point, to control how images are aligned & cropped on different device screens.
  • Mobile Made images much larger on default mobile home pages.
  • Mobile Added slideshow support to mobile home pages.
  • Mobile Made social network link add-on apply to mobile sites.
  • Mobile Added new service vendors to privacy policy disclosure
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