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March 13 2020

🔒 Free, Automatic, and End-to-End HTTPS Encryption

You may have noticed your 22Slides website now works with https. Some time ago, we quietly launched free, automatic, and end-to-end SSL certificate support with the help of Let's Encrypt.

What this means is your website will display a small 'lock' icon in the address bar, and won't show the default 'not secure' message that some browsers started displaying for standard http websites.

Behind the scenes, though, all traffic between your visitors and your website is now end-to-end encrypted for maximum privacy.

Because of the end-to-end nature of our https support, we were a little late to the https-party. We decided to take our time and do it right, rather than taking any shortcuts with intermediate services that provided the appearance of full-security, but didn't provide true end-to-end encryption.

By default, 22Slides sites are accessible via both http and https, but you can force your site to always use https, if you like, from your 'settings' page:
