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April 30 2019

Next-gen image formatting


22Slides now uses WebP image format by default, rather than traditional JPEGs. WebP is a next-gen image format that provides higher quality images and smaller file sizes, which means your images will look better than ever while loading even faster than before.

There’s no action necessary, our system automatically converts the images on our end. You can still upload any type of image file you like.


On average, WebP images download around 30% faster than before, while preserving at least the same image quality. In our case, though, we increased our default image quality a bit, while lowering the overall files size.

As of right now, WebP images work with Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Android browsers.

Internet Explorer and Safari have yet to support WebP images, but our system will automatically serve the standard JPEG images until they can handle WebP images.