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July 07 2018

Our Biggest Update Yet

We've completely overhauled how 22Slides handles images, rewriting everything from the ground up to display your work in the best light possible.

Full Retina Resolution, Everywhere


Your website will now automatically display the perfect resolution image for your viewers' screens. It doesn't matter if they're on a phone, a standard desktop computer, or the latest and greatest high-def cinema display, your site will automatically deliver the sharpest images possible.

To make sure your images are ready, sign into https://22slides.com/signin and visit the “Settings” page in your control panel.

Fully-Responsive Images


Now you don't have to choose between quality and speed. Our images are now fully-responsive and serve only the most-appropriate images to each visitor. Everyone will see images specifically calculated to fit their screen size and resolution, so mobile devices won't be weighed-down by images fit for a 27" display, and maximum image quality can be unleashed on larger screens.

Bigger Thumbnails


Thanks to our new responsive images, you're now able to make your thumbnails as large as you like, opening up tons of new design possibilities.

New Non-Destructive Sharpening


Image sharpening has been refactored to automatically apply to all images on your site, retroactively, so there's no need to re-upload your images if you'd like to change something. More incremental adjustments also allow you to exercise more control over exactly how your images appear.

New Uploader


Faster uploads, no size limits, and the ability to upload from 3rd-party services like Flickr, Instagram, and Dropbox mean there's no longer any need to sweat things like image resolution, dimensions, quality, file size, etc before uploading.

Throw any size files you like at it (the bigger the better), it'll handle everything automatically.

Lots of Little Things

  • More design options for “list” layout.
  • More design options for “carousel” layout, including ability to hide thumbnails.
  • Improved “tiles” layout resizing on window resize.
  • Improved look of image descriptions for various gallery layouts.
  • Added click and left/right arrow paging to home page slideshows.
  • Numerous other refinements and improvements